Trying to generate numerous, realistic-looking objects for automation testing can be difficult.

Using FakerMaker to do just that is preferable; using factories with Faker to dynamically create the test data you need in whatever format you need, is far better than using fixtures.

But what if you needed more than one object of the particular factory that you have created?

Creating a factory

We can use Faker and FakerMaker to create an individual factory for an API request body like this:

require 'faker'
require 'faker_maker'

FakerMaker.factory :grocery_order do
  id(json: 'id', omit: :nil) { Faker::Number.number(digits: 14).to_s }
  timestamp(json: 'timestamp', omit: :nil) { }
  frozen_food(json: 'frozenFood', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:frozenFood].build }
  cupboard_items(json: 'cupboardItems', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:cupboardItems].build }
  fridge_items(json: 'fridgeItems', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:fridgeItems].build }
  snack_items(json: 'snackItems', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:snackItems].build }
  drink_items(json: 'drinkItems', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:drinkItems].build }
  alcohol_items(json: 'alcoholItems', omit: :nil) { FakerMaker[:alcoholItems].build }
  grocery_total(json: 'groceryTotal', omit: :nil) {Faker::Number.number(digits: 6).to_s }

But what if the test requires MORE THAN ONE instance of this fairly complex object be generated?

Creating multiple instances of the FM factory object

This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Using
multiple_orders = { FM[:grocery_order].build.as_json }

This will create a new array of length 3 AND build 3 instances of the grocery_order object. The multiple_orders array can then be returned for your tests.

  1. Using .map:
multiple_orders = { FM[:grocery_order].build.as_json }

This will do the exact same thing as the above. This is a more elegant way of writing the above code, and is more readable, in my opinion.

And that is it!


For complex objects, such as the example above, it can be beneficial to reproduce numerous objects to be stored in test artefacts to ensure your application or system can handle them within the response. This is especially useful when there can be numerous instances of certain objects held.